Tuesday Evenings
6:30 – 8:30 PM
Join 1 million men in over 70 countries who are learning to live free of porn through the proven strategies and practical tools taught in the Conquer Series (CSC). This 12 week series contains Biblical teachings coupled together with current and relevant scientific info/data to HELP men walk in true FREEDOM!!
Explore strongholds that keep men in bondage … Examine the neurochemistry of addiction … Discover the weapons and strategies of God … Investigate proven strategies to prevent relapse … Study practical daily techniques to remain free.
“That freedom, I wouldn’t exchange it for anything. It’s what God has for me for the rest of my life.” … “You could just see that flame of hope kind of rekindle” … “This amazing film series that teaches about brain chemistry & what porn is doing to our brains” … “What we have seen with these men is the ‘Aha Moment’ … they’ve awakened.”
Let’s face it. You’ve been trying harder and it hasn’t worked. What starts out as a moral problem, quickly becomes a brain problem. Often, men who’ve tried to quit have failed because they don’t understand the brain. Understanding the brain is so important in this battle. Men in sexual bondage go through a cycle of triggering, ritual and acting out. Discover how to renew your mind and break destructive patterns.
The Conquer Series is an amazing combination of grit and grace. God is using the Conquer Series to help us win an epic battle for our lives, our families and our legacies. As the guys in our church walk through this Conquer Series, you can just see the flame of hope rekindle in their soul … when that switch happens, that’s when God unleashes the power in the guy’s life. That’s when his Life Is Changed for the Glory of God!!
How about you?? If you would like to join a group of other men ready to conquer their sexual addictions, contact Chad Young at 719-439-0853 or click HERE to send an email. Chad would be honored to talk with you in a confidential manner.