Many individuals unable to attend our Sunday morning services enjoy listening to our sermons online. We hope you enjoy, are touched and motivated by these messages. Click on the sermon series picture below to view the messages in each series.
Super Heroes of the Faith
Many of the Super Heroes we read of in the Bible were just normal, imperfect people just like each of us. Join us for messages in this series to hear about many of these heroes.
4-Letter Words
There are many 4-letter words we don’t want to say or hear but this great 4-week series will get into some of the most important 4-letter words in our Christian Walk!

Bless Our Home
Each of us want to have our home blessed as we continue on the Walk with our Lord and Savior. Join us for this series to learn how we can all have a blessed home.
Father’s Day – Indoor Campfire Service
This Father’s Day we had a very special indoor campfire service as a celebration for all of the men at Impact. If you missed this fun service, be sure to listen to this message about “building Kingdom legacies” by our Executive Minister, Kent Gordon.
No Perfect People Allowed
One thing we always say around Impact is “there are no perfect people allowed”! This is a great message presented by Pastor Scott reiterating that statement.
Absolutely Positive
This six week series takes us through some parts of our lives that we should be absolutely positive about. You won’t want to miss a single one of these messages!
Dangerous Prayers
Believe your big risks will be rewarded. Believe what you ask for is possible. If you’re ready to see a spark in your life, pray boldly. Pray daringly. Pray with fire. And remember God’s listening to your Dangerous Prayers.
Resurrection Sunday
If you missed our special Easter Sunday services, you will want to hear this incredible message delivered by our elder, Mac Owen. You may also click here to enjoy the amazing worship while watching an upside-down speed painting of the resurrection.
Brutiful Collision
It may not be a word according to spell-check but we should all add it to our vocabulary. Be sure to listen to this series to see how God transforms brutal events into beautiful messages in our lives.
What’s Your Calling?
Rob Gleghorn shares a fun and powerful message about what we are called to do with our time here on earth.
My Story
This short but powerful series will take you deep inside your heart to see what you can do personally to serve and honor God in the way He asks of you.
Mission Sunday
Missions is one of the pillars we stand on as a church. Pastor Scott shares a special message about what missions is all about with a special guest, Brandon Williams. This message also includes the sendoff and prayers over our Thailand Mission Team.